Despina Symeou
Specialising in jewellery design, Despina Symeou gained a B.A.Hons degree from Middlesex University.
She studied art in many forms, focusing on life drawing, photography and printmaking, and has recently returned to these early inspirations to create her stunning prints.
Re Despina’s current works entitled “Not Just For The Bedroom”, she says:
“As an artist, I find all human forms intriguing.
From the start, drawing and painting from life have been my focus. However, recently I have been questioning my subject matter and the message I want to convey.
Nudity is not the principal message, but rather an inclusive part of the narrative for our individual identities, emotions and lives.
My artwork comes from a deeper understanding as to how conflicted women feel about their bodies and our ever-growing relationship with them. We are all collective in this experience, and yet confront these issues uniquely within ourselves.
From my experience at art fairs I have found many people are reluctant to display nude artwork around the home except for in the bedroom. My aim is to change the sub text for all who care to enjoy and identify with the figurative image. By showing these works commercially I hope to play a role in changing age-old attitudes regarding the female nude.
In shifting this perception, nude artworks will begin to be proudly displayed in homes and not banished to the bedroom.”
Despina’s work forms part of the V&A Collection Fund and the Scarborough Museum Trust. She exhibits internationally, and much of her work is in private collections all over the globe.